St John's Whangarei


Golden Church

St Johns web 1

PO Box 8104, Kensington, Whangarei 0145
149 Kamo Road, Whangarei
Phone: (09) 437 1601
Email: [E-Mail not displayed]
Rev Freddy De Alwis

Sunday Service: 10:00am

Saint John's is a church centre for the community. Its vision is to be a welcoming place for many diverse people who make up the North Whangarei community. It is a place where people of all genders and sexual orientations are treated equally.

Saint John's is the meeting place of Saint John's Cooperating Church, a progressive church based in the Methodist and Presbyterian traditions. This church hosts other community groups and activities at the Centre, including:

155 Community House has staff people and volunteers who help community organisations design strategic plans and apply for funding.

155 Community Law Centre offers free legal advice and assistance to eligible people.

Organisations hosted at Saint John's Centre include:

Dance classes, Girl's Brigade, Mainly Music, U3A, Kamo Social Club, Cardiac Care, Lifeline, St John's Progressive Childcare.

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A welcoming place for the many diverse people who make up the North Whangarei community.
